The Diet Cure by Julia Ross


Shortly after a move, I felt lethargic, and toggled between feeling apathetic and depressed. The things that got me excited and happy had no effect on me, I felt I had nothing to look forward to.

I started taking some supplements based off of the questionnaires in this book The Diet Cure by Julia Ross, that I happened to bring with me.

The title of the book is misleading, the book actually places emphasis on on amino acids. An imbalance in amino acids will cause a range of symptoms including fatigue, muscle weakness, mood disturbances, digestive issues, brain fog, and compromised immune function.

The book also addresses:

  • Balancing out amino acids

  • Emotional eating

  • Mood regulation, depression

  • Low-calorie dieting

  • Eating disorders

  • Unstable blood sugar

  • Addictions to foods you're actually allergic to

  • Hormone imbalances leading to mood swings

  • PMS

  • Bloating

  • Cravings for sugar and starches caused by yeast overgrowth

Within just two days of taking four supplements suggested for me from the questionnaire, I felt myself again.