I’m Caroline. I had stage 4 breast cancer and have gone through both conventional and holistic treatments. I created this site to share some tips that have helped me through it all, from having a large tumor the size of a tennis ball in my left breast, severe pain, insomnia, neuropathy, hot flashes, low energy, joint pain, hair loss; to NED (No Evidence of Disease), gaining my health back and working on becoming stronger than I was pre-cancer.
Now I’ve created a life and environment that is quiet, peaceful and meaningful. I couldn’t ever go back to the way I was living before my diagnosis.
The biggest takeaway from working with Caroline was evolving into a sense of compassion for myself. When we initially met, my goals were very rooted in weight loss but quickly I realized I felt safe and comfortable working on many issues deeper than that. Caroline helped me unpack a lot of the habits and self-defeating thoughts that I had been used to.
Through our time working together, she was witness to some major changes in my life, from quitting an underpaying and underappreciated job, moving out of my space that didn't have a kitchen, and going full force in my business. While I still am working on time management and stress, there are so many nuggets of wisdom that I carry with me from our time together. Thank you Caroline.
Chynna M.

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I aim to empower people to take charge of their own health, so they can share their gifts. Let’s talk about how to create space, how to cope with difficult emotions and how to make living healthy easier.