A Guided Meditation To Help You With Chemotherapy


In 2014, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. After I decided to start chemotherapy, I knew I needed to get my mind right, to not fear what I was doing. If I were going to try chemo, I needed to let it work and not block it with any fear. And I had a lot of fear, I was terrified of it. Starting chemotherapy was the scariest decision I’ve made. I listened to this CD for a while during my infusions.

In order for the imagery to be so effective, I needed to be calm and her soothing, gentle voice, helped me get to that state. It brought me a sense of peace and comfort, helping me “see” a golden fountain of healing liquid that was so vivid and beautiful. The instructions are simple and clear, and she explains exactly how to use the CD tracks.

Belleruth Naparstek has 55 CDs covering a wide range of health topics. For more info, go to: How I used the power of using guided imagery and affirmations to heal